Monday, August 11, 2014

How to configure Google Apps Email with Microsoft Outlook Using Google App Sync

Download google app sync from the following link and install it. 

Go to start  All Programs Google Apps Sync Set Up  a Google Apps Sync User.

It will open a window and you have to give your email id on that and click continue


A new browser window will open and you have to submit your email ID and password there and sign in
After signing in it will ask to accept the permission request, Scroll Down and accept it


The next window of google apps sync opens and click on create profile
It will create a new outlook profile for you and ask to start outlook as shown in below click on Start Microsoft Outlook

Outlook starts…….and Syncs 

Once all things synced perfectly you can use outlook.

Setting mail box size for outlook with google apps sync

Click on the upward arrow at Taskbar on desktop

Right click Google Apps Sync Icon and select Mailbox Size option

And set the appropriate limit